Friday, December 17, 2010

"Merry Christmas to all, Dog's Cat's and puppy’s."

'Twas the week before Christmas, when all through the house,

Not a sight of daylight seen through out the house.

The dogs were put in there crate with care,

In hopes that there master would greet them with care.

The puppies were nestled all snug in their beds,

While visions of doggie treats danced in their heads.

And tiffany in her bed, waiting to sit on my lap,

Had just been woke from a long evenings nap.

When I bent down to pick her up, I knelt in a crap.

Tiffany looked at me, and wondered what was the matter.

Away to the crate I flew like a flash,

Tore open the sliding door and threw out what I smashed.

The dew on the lawn froze looked as new-fallen snow,

Gave the luster of mid-day morning foggy glow.

When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,

But a miniature puppy, and tiny friends deer.

With a little Jovan, so lively and quick,

I knew in a moment it must be time for her shit.

More rapid than eagles her poop them came,

And she barked, and barked, all frantic in her game;

"Now, Bosley now, Buddie! Now, take a deep breath!

Hurry up you guys and take care of your business!

To tip toe! To tip toe thought there piles of poo!

I must manage to get in the house with out any on my shoe!"

As dry leaves I use to pick up the poo,

So Bosley wont eat poor Tiffany poo.

So back in the house I needed to be,

With the love of a dog to lick my face, Gee.

And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the phone,

The Texting and Emails now started to flow.
As I drew in cell phone, and was texting about,

Down on the rug I saw a new pile of crap,

To soon I realized to early to bring them in,

Now the whole basement smelled, what a place to be;

Hope they use the puppy pad when they take there next pee.

What a bundle of joy, cant wait to get back,

And to play with the dog’s and let them sit on my lap.

Just be carful and don’t step in there crap. As I left them this morning I shouted with Glee!!

"Merry Christmas to all, Dog's Cat's and puppy’s."